
With over 20 years of experience, licensed Massage Therapist and owner, Carol Schultz specializes in a variety of massage therapy techniques which include Orthopedic/Sports Massage, Neuromuscular/Trigger Point, Muscle Energy Technique, Myofascial Release, Lymphatic Drainage and TMJ Therapy.

Carol Schultz current license is LMT MA18181 FL Est. Lic #MM14315

Education is key!  Carol has and continues to upgrade her massage therapy education.  She provides individual care specific to your needs and takes the time to explain how the muscles work and why a pain in one spot refers a pain to another and explains the terminology in layman’s terms.  Read More About Massage Therapies…

Most recently, Carol has successfully completed her esthetician program and now offers the following types of facials.  European Treatment Facials, Lunch Time Facials,  Lactic Enzyme Facials, Therapeutic Treatment Facials,  Vitamin Treatment Facials,  1-2 Punch, Microdermabrasion plus Peel, Lactic Acid Peels, Salicylic Acid Peels, Glycolic Acid Peels, Jessner Peels, Pumice Peels and also facial waxing.  Read More About Facials and Waxing…

Call Carol and make your appointment today 727-698-9232!